Christmas Dinner
We are raising funds to help us continue our work in the Community of Weston and once again inviting people to share a meal with us.
Each Week we provide over 350 Take out Meals and 40 activity bags for over 70 families in the Weston Area.
Each Meal you buy will help us to provide two meals for a family.
Date: Sunday Dec 15th, 2024
Place: St Thomas Church, 1567 William Ave W
Lessons and Carol Service: 4pm
Dinner: 5:30pm
Meal Price: $25 each
You can either join us for a sit down meal in our space or Pick up your meals for enjoyment at home.
Pay-As-You-May tickets available
- email [email protected] or call 204-775-1107 for more info
Cranberry Chicken Breast, Baked Potatoes, Meatballs, Roasted vegetables, Dessert
Substituted Dietary needs by request.
To order your Christmas Dinner please click the link below:
Can't make it but still want to contribute?
Ticket donation information is on the order form link above or etransfer to [email protected] Please add in the memo Christmas Dinner -- and the number of tickets
Please know that Pay-as-you-may Tickets are available for this and every event hosted by St. Thomas and Kreative.
Pay-As-You-May, What is that you may ask? This is an approach we have adopted at St. Thomas so make sure all feel welcome and able to contribute what they are able to participate. While there may be a suggested price for an event our neighbours are invited to offer what is within their means. For some it may be less, and others may choose to contribute more when they can. There is no price tag on sharing the Love.
So a Pay as you may ticket is sliding scale dependent on individual or families ability to contribute (self-declared). This can be below or above the regular ticket price. Consider going down in increments of 25% if asked for price suggestions. Could be as low as $0 if needed and as high as someone is willing to go. Higher priced tickets will be used to offset the cost of lower priced tickets.

It’s time for our annual Gift Card Fundraiser. Get all your Holiday Shopping done with one order from us. For every gift card purchase you make through us gives us a donation kick back from the Fundscrip program which helps us to continue to offer programs like the weekly Take out meal Program, emergency hampers, and Kreative Kids.
You can help us in two ways: either by purchasing gift cards for yourself or by purchasing gift cards that we can use to buy supplies for our programs.
Click Here for an Order form
The order date for the cards will be Dec 11th. With pick on Dec 18th
Fundscrip is an organization who helps other organizations fundraise by the selling of gift cards. For every gift card purchase we purchase with fundscrip gives us a percentage back in donation dollars so the more gift cards we sell the more donations we get.

Join us for Music and Scriptures
It's just like Lessons and Carols but in the Summer time!
Come and join us for teaching storytelling and joyful expression through the singing of many Hymns.
Date: Whenever there is a 5th Sunday of the Month
Time: 10:30am
Place: 1567 William Ave W

From The Narthex
A Podcast brought to you by the team at St Thomas
Welcome to "From The Narthex." Have you ever questioned your faith or have pressing questions about the church? Well, we're here to answer those for you! This is a space to think through your faith, your forgotten faith, or faith you’d like to try out again. And learn a few things you might wonder about the Anglican Church.
Clicke Here to listen to the latest episode

Take Out Meal Program
Pick up Time: 6 to 7 pm
Place: St. Thomas Anglican Church, Weston
1567 William Avenue, West
Dates: Every Wednesday
If you can Help us please, message us for ways to donate.
If you would like to register for our program please Email the following information:
Meals: # Adults, # Kids and if there are any Allergies
Got Questions? Contact us below
Phone: 204 – 775 - 1107
E-mail: [email protected]
Socials @stthomasweston @kreativekidswpg